Rethinking the City: The Cost of Parking Lots

Fundamentally, this is an issue of urban planning and its heavy consequences. Where cities struggle with congestion, poor public transport, limited affordable housing and green spaces, a serious consideration of the allocation of space is key to advancement. Our choice over how to manage urban space is ultimately a choice over the kind of society we choose to live in and value, and a move away from cars and parking is a prioritisation of the wellbeing and health of its citizens.

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People Power: How citizens in Hamburg are using direct democracy to push for more ambitious climate policies

Through their initiative, Hamburg’s citizens are part of a climate movement that increasingly turns to new tactics, making innovative use of laws and political instruments. In Switzerland, citizens voted in favour of more ambitious climate measures, using their system of referendums last year. In Hamburg, step three follows in autumn 2025, when Hamburg’s citizens will vote on the referendum. If approved, its outcome could influence Hamburg’s climate policymaking for decades to come

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